Install PHPUnit for PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.1 on Homebrew

Tags: PHPUnit

So you found this post because you just updated or installed PHPUnit, you're running PHP 5.6, and you get this error:

"This version of PHPUnit is supported on PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1.
You are using PHP 5.6.30 (/usr/local/Cellar/php56/5.6.30_6/bin/php)."

Maybe, like me, you're cranky about virtualization and you're using a PHP switcher to switch between PHP 5.6 and 7.1.

The solution?
brew install [email protected]

Then you can run:
phpunitat57 mytest

About the Author

Hi. My name is Jeremiah John. I'm a sf/f writer and activist.

I just completed a dystopian science fiction novel. I run a website which I created that connects farms with churches, mosques, and synagogues to buy fresh vegetables directly and distribute them on a sliding scale to those in need.

In 2003, I spent six months in prison for civil disobedience while working to close the School of the Americas, converting to Christianity, as one does, while I was in the clink.